WATCH: NBC10, T62, NBC Sports Philly share our ‘Holiday Traditions'
Watch “Holiday Traditions” on NBC10, NBC10’s streaming channel and in the video embedded on top of this article!
When is Easter, and how is its date determined?
When determining the date of Easter, the church uses what’s known as “ecclesiastical dates,” with the spring equinox always taking place on March 21, regardless of when the astronomical equinox takes ... -
Punxsutawney Phil sees shadow, calls for 6 more weeks of winter
Punxsutawney Phil’s team of top-hatted associates say the woodchuck saw his shadow and his weather verdict is predicting wintry conditions for the next six weeks.
Punxsutawney Phil sees shadow, calls for 6 more weeks of winter
Punxsutawney Phil’s team of top-hatted associates will issue the woodchuck’s weather verdict as the sun rises. They will tell the world on Sunday morning whether Phil is predicting wintry conditions f...