
What Does the End of the New Oz Ad Mean?

At the close of a new ad that attacks his Democratic opponent for “dodging debates” and his record on taxes, Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz makes a campaign promise. 

“I’ll cut your taxes and I won’t take a penny of them either,” longtime talk show host Dr. Oz says to the camera. 

We asked Oz’s campaign which specific taxes Oz is aiming to cut and whether he has a specific proposal. Spokesperson Brittany Yanick tells NBC10: 

"Dr. Oz believes we need to cut taxes for small businesses in particular - those would be hurt the most if John Fetterman spends trillions of dollars and makes inflation worse. The 2017 tax law has many provisions in it that unfortunately are set to expire. Doctor Oz would make helping these businesses a top priority, which is why he has the support of the NFIB and the Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce."

Yanick did not mention other types of taxes. 

As for “not taking a penny,” Yanick said Oz intends to donate his salary to charity if he wins. 

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