New Jersey

Wildwood Cancels July 4th Fireworks. Where Else Can You See a Show – Safely?

Many municipal fireworks displays have been canceled amid the pandemic, but there are still some places you can see a show -- as long as you are careful

Grand display of fireworks exploding against a stary night sky
Getty Images

This year has been anything but ordinary. Especially for a major social summer holiday, it's hard to navigate what might be occurring amid coronavirus.

Though Wildwood, New Jersey, had hoped to hold their annual fireworks show, officials said Tuesday they were canceling the event.

"As we’ve seen with the delay of opening indoor dining this week, the public is not adequately following Covid-19 public safety rules such as social distancing," Mayor Pete Byron said in a statement. "We can’t take a chance that Wildwood sees a spike in cases and shuts down our businesses who have already suffered immensely due to closures.”

Soon after Wildwood, Margate followed suit and canceled its fireworks show as well. In Delaware, Dewey Beach canceled their fireworks show after Governor John Carney told beach bars to close due to increasing cases of coronavirus.

Here is a compiled list of the few townships and counties that have made decisions to show their fireworks display and other activities this Independence Day. Remember -- if you are celebrating, consider watching from your car or your sofa (options below) and if you are in person, masks and social distancing are musts.

This list will be continually updated. Did we miss one? Email us here.


Delaware County

EAST LANDSDOWNE: 105th Independence Day Parade is being held on Saturday, July 4th at East Lansdowne Memorial Park, located on the corner of Penn Blvd & Emerson Ave at 11:30 a.m. The township is encouraging people to socially distance. (Only a parade, no fireworks show).

Philadelphia County

WAWA WELCOME AMERICA: Fireworks may be canceled, but there is a week long virtual celebration right here on NBC10! And there's no need to wear a mask on your couch.

New Jersey

Atlantic County

HAMMONTON : Still scheduled, fireworks are planned at Hammonton High School. Attendees should follow all social distancing and gathering guidelines put in place at the state level.

MILLVILLE: Fireworks are still scheduled at 9 p.m. July 4, Union Lake Park, Sharp Street and Columbia Avenue; rain date July 5. 

VINELAND: July 4 fireworks are still on at Vineland High School complex, East Chestnut Avenue; rain date July 5. 

Cape May County

LOWER TWP: While it usually is open to the public, the Cape May Ferry Terminal parking lots and grounds will not be open for viewing the fireworks. People are asked to watch from their homes, if possible, and maintain social distancing along the Bayfront. The fireworks will also be live-streamed on Lower Township’s Facebook page, which start at 9pm on July 3.

MIDDLE TWP:   Though canceled, the township is now streaming a compilation of previous fireworks shows on July 4, along with patriotic music, from 9 to 10 p.m. on its Facebook page at

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