
Recycling Collection in Philadelphia Decreased to Every Other Week

City officials issued new dates for upcoming recycling by neighborhood and asked residents to hold onto recyclables "during these unprecedented times"


Recycling collection in Philadelphia is decreasing to every other week as city officials grapple with how to maintain services during the coronavirus outbreak.

Starting Monday, April 6, the city Streets Department is changing its collection during the COVID-19 pandemic. No recycling will be collected in the entire city from April 6 through Saturday, April 11.

Recycling collections will resume Monday, April 13 and run every other week through at least May 15, according to the Streets Department.

Trash collection will continue with regularly scheduled pickups, or as close to regular pickups as possible, the city said.

"Residents should expect some delays as the health crisis continues to have an impact on employee attendance," the city said in a statement. "There will be no trash collections on Friday, April 10th in honor of the Good Friday holiday."

The city also urged residents to only put out their recyclables on the day of the scheduled pickups.

Recycling will be collected at the regular pick up site. Residents are urged to use lids for recycling bins to prevent debris from blowing away. Lids for City-issued recycling bins can be picked up from the Sanitation Convenience Centers. Sanitation Convenience Centers will remain open on the following modified schedule for residents to dispose of items from Tuesday through Saturday, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

The schedule below reflects the new changes in recycling operations:
Week of Collection Type

  • April 6-11: Trash Collections only
  • Friday, April 10th: No collections – Good Friday Holiday
  • April 13-17: Trash & Recycling Collections
  • April 20-24: Trash Collections only
  • April 27-May 1: Trash & Recycling Collections
  • May 4-8: Trash Collections Only
  • May 11-15: Trash & Recycling Collections

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