Traffic is a B*$@#!

Expect delays in Old City Tuesday

Most likely, traffic in the whereabouts of Old City will be a B*$@#! today.

As you know, President-elect Obama is in town for the National Governor’s Association meeting to be held at Independence Hall. Because of that meeting, 5th to 6th Streets between Market and Walnut will be closed, according to spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore.

Plan on taking a detour if 6th Street is part of your daily travels. 6th Street, from Market to Walnut, will be closed from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm; same thing goes for Chestnut Street.

Whatever your form of transportation is, by wheels or by foot, the 500 and 600 block of Chestnut Street will be closed from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm. Sixth Street from Ranstead to Sansom will also be closed to all walkers.

Random road closures may also spark up here and there. But, what do you expect? Top officials in their motorcades will be cutting across the city throughout the day; traffic is inevitable.

So, what should you do? Take Fourth or Eighth Streets, police advise. Expect delays, though.


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