Philly fans have proven Cliff Lee's feelings are mutual. -- we love him and he adores Philly.
The pitcher received both criticism and praise in December for his surprising decision to return to Philly despite possibly better offers from the Yankees and Rangers.
In another noteworthy move, fans have made Lee's jersey the fourth-best selling Phillies item in 2010 on despite the fact that Lee was only a Phillie for the last few weeks of the year.
They also made the T-shirt with "Lee" and his No. 33 on the back the top-selling item in Citizens Bank Park's Majestic Clubhouse Store since he joined the team still in time for Christmas shopping. The youth size Lee T-shirt came in at No. 3.
Roy Halladay is the only other Phillies member on the Top 5 of MLB's list -- his authentic home jersey ranked third while the replica ranked fifth.
Before Christmas, Phillies director of merchandising Scott Brandreth reported sales were up 100 percent from last year. This is largely due to Lee -- Brandeth said the adult Lee shirt "overwhelmingly outsold" every other T-shirt, according to's Todd Zolecki.
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