A high school student from New York has filed a lawsuit after a printing error forced parts of the June 6 SAT to be thrown out.
The lawsuit, filed in federal court in New Jersey, echoes others filed in New York and Florida against the creators and administrators of the test.
The College Board oversees the exam and Princeton-based Educational Testing Service creates and administers it.
The June 6 exam contained a printing error that gave some students five more minutes on one section. The test incorrectly said students had ``25 minutes'' to complete the section, while directions read out loud correctly told students they had 20 minutes.
The College Board announced a few days after the test that Sections 8 and 9 would be thrown out and all students would be scored on the remaining sections, with the results still valid. Scores would be based on fewer questions, testing officials said.
The New York student, Jennie Whalen, alleges throwing out the sections is unfair to students who are striving for the highest possible scores. She says the June 6 results would not stack up to scores from previous and subsequent exams. She is seeking a refund of the $54.50 fee plus damages.
The College Board recently announced students who took the June 6 exam could retake it for free in October even though the June 6 results were valid.
Student Sues After SAT Printing Error Gives Some 5 Extra Minutes
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