
โ€˜No warnings': North Broad Street Initiative to crack down on traffic law violators

Deputy Commissioner of Patrol Operations Michael Cram said that "crazy driving" along North Broad Street is what inspired this new initiative

NBC Universal, Inc.

City leaders provided more information about the new North Broad Street Traffic Initiative that began on Monday.

The North Broad Street Initiative tackles traffic violations along Broad Street from Philadelphia's City Hall up to Cheltenham Avenue, officials explained.

โ€œThese reckless actions have put the safety of our citizens and visitors at risk,โ€ said Philadelphia Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel. โ€œThis initiative is designed to address these concerns and create a safer environment for everyone traveling along this busy corridor.โ€

Officials say that there has been a rise in concerning traffic violations during the last few months. Everything from driving in the wrong direction, double parking and drivers ignoring traffic signals.

Deputy Commissioner of Patrol Operations Michael Cram said that over the last year, there have been over 1,500 auto accidents just on North Broad Street alone.

According to Philadelphia Police statistics from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, 52 crashes involved pedestrians with nine people killed.

Cram said that since 2019, there have been 44 fatal crashes along the 8 mile stretch between City Hall and Cheltenham Avenue.

This new initiative came to be after officials heard from the community and the "crazy driving" along this particular stretch of the roadway came up a lot, Cram explained.

Drivers who are not following traffic laws will not get any warnings as police will be strictly enforcing regulations, Cram said.

Police have already issued over 8,000 citations, according to Cram.

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