
City Council Overrides Allentown Mayor's Budget Veto

Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski says he'll sue after City Council voted to override his veto of council's proposed 2017 budget.

Pawlowski are at odds over Michael Walker, who has been hired by Pawlowski as the city's de facto head of community and economic development. Pawlowski hired Walker for the No. 2 position in the agency after council balked when Pawlowski nominated Walker to direct the department.

The proposed budget allots just $1 to the top two positions in that department.

Pawlowski and council also can't agree on a wage tax rate, and have accused one another of violating the city's charter.

Pawlowski said before Tuesday night's vote that council is "making it almost impossible to govern the city.''

This was Pawlowski's first veto since taking office in 2006.

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