Pa. Considers β€˜Sexting' Ban

Pennsylvania to crackdown on racy text messaging.

State Rep. Seth Grove is pushing for legislation that would ban minors from "sexting," reports The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Pennsylvania has joined the fight to prohibit teens from sending sexually explicit photos or text messages on their cell phones.

Opponents of the bill, passed in the House on June 29, argue that the legislation is a violation of free expression and privacy rights.

"The way this bill is written, constitutionally protected activity is criminalized," Andy Hoover, legislative director for ACLU of Pennsylvania told the Inky.

However, supporters of the bill feel it would give prosecutors an alternative to charging minors with a child pornography felony (current child pornography laws make "sexting" a felony for minors, prosecutors told the Inquirer).

Whether or not the revised "sexting" bill is passed, depends on Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf (Judiciary Committee chair), who wants to pass a version of the "sexting" bill this year, but not before he ensures that the punishment fits the crime.

"What I'm trying to do is provide an alternative so that the prosecuting attorney can file something against them if appropriate without giving them a criminal record," Greenleaf told the paper.

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