Ocean City’s roads are getting a makeover.
The city’s 9th Street bridge is under demolition this month, as construction workers make way for a $400-million replacement project.
The city has lobbied for years for a replacement bridge and now that Officials have raised enough money, they are getting it.
The replacement is due to age, increased traffic and accident reports, according to the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
The 9th street Bridge, which is one of the four bridges that make up the Route 52 causeway, is also an evacuation route for Ocean City.
The Department of Transportation had concerns for waves washing over the two lower bridges during storms which often made them impassible. The new bridge promises to fix those concerns.
The replacement bridge will be two parallel fixed spans that will help ease traffic. It is set to be completed by Memorial Day weekend.
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The new causeway should be safer, Ocean City Fire Captain Jack Neall told the Press of Atlantic City.
"The new bridge’s 12-foot lanes and 8-foot shoulder are expected to reduce accidents by 20 percent," according to NJDOT.
The old 9th Street Bridge stood for 78 years, built in 1933 by the Ocean City Automobile Bridge Company.