British Royal Family

Prince Harry Opens Up About ‘Difficult' Royal Life & Reveals Archie's 1st Word

Prince Harry and "The Late Late Show" host James Cordon toured LA and had a heart-to-heart about life with Meghan Markle and son Archie

In this Oct. 3, 2018, file photo, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, make an official visit to the Joff Youth Centre in Peacehaven, United Kingdom.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images

Prince Harry took his first guided tour of Los Angeles with an unusual chaperone.

"The Late Late Show" host James Corden welcomed Harry during a taped segment on Thursday. The two Brits enjoyed a drive around the Los Angeles area on the top of an open-air bus and had a revealing chat about the latest developments in the guest's life.

Meghan Markle made a brief appearance during the spot when Corden told her via FaceTime that he was trying to convince her 36-year-old husband to purchase the home used in "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."

"I think we've done enough moving," the Duchess of Sussex quipped. She then asked her husband, "Haz, how's your tour of L.A. going?" and Corden was quite tickled by the adorable nickname.

But Harry proved to be a good sport by reciting the "Fresh Prince" theme song by heart, and he even took a pee break in the storied home.

It has been a year since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped away as full-time working royals. Now, Buckingham Palace confirms that Prince Harry and Meghan will not be going back.

After leaving the TV-famous abode, Corden got down to business by asking Harry how he knew he was in love with Markle.

"The second date, I was starting to think, 'Wow, this is pretty special,'" he said. "It wasn't so much where we went, it was just the way that we hit it off with each other, and we were just so comfortable in each other's company."

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The Duke of Sussex explained that dating with him or any member of the royal family is "kind of flipped upside-down," as the couples initially spend low-key time together behind closed doors before eventually venturing out into the public eye.

"Everything was done back-to-front with us, so actually, we got to spend an enormous amount of time just the two of us, rather than going to friends' houses or out for dinner, where there are other distractions," Harry revealed. "There were no distractions, and that was great. That was an amazing thing. We went from 0 to 60 in the first two months."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex went out over the weekend with a royal bang, as they make their last official appearances as working royals before splitting from Buckingham Palace.

Corden asked him to describe a typical night at home with Markle, now that they live in Santa Barbara.

"Depending on how the day's been, how busy it's been: Do Archie's tea, give him a bath, read him a book, put him down, go downstairs, Meg might cook a meal, might order a takeaway, go upstairs, sit in bed, turn the TV on, watch some "Jeopardy!," maybe watch a little bit of Netflix," Harry shared.

When Corden asked what Harry thinks of Netflix's "The Crown," he replied, "It's fictional, but it's loosely based on the truth." Harry continued, "I am way more comfortable with 'The Crown' than I am seeing the stories written about my family or my wife or myself. Because it's the difference between, that is obviously fiction, take it how you will, but this is being reported on as fact because you're supposedly news. I have a real issue with that."

Corden asked about fatherhood, and Harry did not mention the fact that Markle is currently expecting another baby. But Harry did gush about son Archie, saying that the boy is "hysterical" and has "the most amazing personality."

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are taking legal action once again, this time to protect their young son. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have filed an invasion of privacy complaint over alleged photos taken of 1-year-old Archie in their backyard, Access Hollywood confirms.

The proud papa revealed that his son's first word was "crocodile" and added, "He's already putting three, four words together. He's already singing songs."

Harry then shared that Queen Elizabeth had asked the couple what Archie might want for Christmas, and Markle's answer was a waffle maker, which the Queen ended up sending to them.

"So at breakfast now, Meg makes up a beautiful organic mix, in the waffle maker, flip it, out it comes," Harry said. "He loves it. And now I have waffles for breakfast, bit of yogurt, bit of jam on top -- I don't know if that's the right thing to do -- bit of berries maybe, a little honey, maybe some syrup. Archie wakes up in the morning, and he just goes, 'Waffle?'"

When James asked if Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip know how to use Zoom, Harry shared that he and Markle have Zoomed a few times with his grandparents, and that they've gotten to see Archie having some fun.

This led the host to ask his guest about the announcement on Feb. 19 that he and his wife will not return as working members of the royal family.

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"It was never walking away – it was stepping back, rather than stepping down," Harry clarified. "It was a really difficult environment, as I think a lot of people saw. We all know what the British press can be like, and it was destroying my mental health. I was like, 'This is toxic.' So I did what any husband and what any father would do, is like, I need to get my family out of here."

He continued, "But we never walked away. And as far as I'm concerned, whatever decisions are made on that side, I will never walk away. I will always be contributing, but my life is public service, so wherever I am in the world, it's going to be the same thing."

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