Hollywood is one big, popularity contest. And as much as it is a town that can knock you down, it's also one with a love affair for a good comeback story. Cue Conan O'Brien.
Though reigning winner Jon Stewart and his Comedy Central compatriot Stephen Colbert remain the heavy favorites to walk away with this year's statuette, the ginger-haired giant may just stomp on their parade by gliding on all the goodwill he's drummed up in the past few months.
So what happens if "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" is called for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series? Let's soak in the beauty of the thought. Conan was even nominated where Jay Leno and even Letterman were denied.
Much has been said about Conan's "non-disparagement" clause in his exit deal with NBC. But if you look at the fine print, disparaging comments are defined as statements that are false. So basically, he can say whatever he wants, positive or negative, as long as its true.
Despite the semantics loophole, don't hold your breath for an Oliver Stone-esque tirade from the podium if Conan wins.
If his finale speech on his last Tonight Show episode is any indication, Conan will thank the people who helped him become successful and will leave it at that. After seven months on the air and weeks of tense negotiations and sparring, Conan ended his tenure with network with these words: "I have worked with NBC for 20 years. Yes, we have our differences right now and yes, we're going our separate ways. But this company has been my home for most of my adult life. I am enormously proud of the work he have done together, and I want to thank NBC for making it all possible."
So if Conan pulls an upset, expect an emotional, thankful, intelligent speech. It's actually the only way he can go anyway.
As for his trademark wit? There may be some flashes of it but the man has proved he's all heart in those big moments. So expect the humor to be contained to his Twitter page.