
β€˜I'm Stronger Than You': Suspect Hits Officer in Throat During Traffic Stop

A West Haven, Connecticut, man struck an officer in the throat during a traffic stop, Orange Police said.

Luis Rivera, 25, allegedly hit an officer and attempted to get away during a traffic stop at 8:15 on Wednesday morning. 

Orange Police said they stopped Rivera because he was speeding and made a left turn that almost caused an accident with another driver.

When police pulled Rivera over and asked him to step out of the car, he allegedly got out and struck the officer before trying to run away on foot, according to police. 

The officer and the suspect began to scuffle when Rivera allegedly said, "I'm stronger than you," and "I will take you," implying he would hurt the cop, police said. 

The unnamed officer was brought to a local hospital and will require further medical follow-up for his injuries, according to Orange Police.

Rivera was placed on a $100,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in Derby Court on March 10.

It was not clear if he had an attorney.

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