Who Took “Gumby?”

"Gumby" has gone missing from Del. man's home

An interesting character has gone missing from Arden, Del. -- a large, yellow, metal Gumby sculpture.

The 5-foot, 90-pound "Gumby" sculpture was stolen right out of Phil Fisher’s yard Sunday morning, he says.

Fisher created the yellowish sculpture in September for the Arden Fair -- an event featuring the art and antiques of the small New Castle County neighborhood. He later placed it on his Harvey Road front lawn for passing motorists to enjoy.

“I just like to give people something cool to look at as they go by,” Fisher told NBC Philadelphia's Tim Furlong. “I just put him up there so people could have a nice day maybe when they go to work in the morning.”

The sculpture is reportedly worth around $2,500 and $3,000, making the theft a felony. State police are investigating the incident and Fisher is offering an $100 reward for Gumby's safe return.

The artist says he isn't interested in pressing charges and just wants Gumby to come home.

“If ya have Gumby, if ya know somebody that has Gumby, ask him to return it,” said Fisher. “I will not press charges... I’ll shake his hand.

"If he’s man enough to fess up to it, then I accept that.”

Fisher’s artwork is often displayed on his lawn and this wasn't the first time one of his pieces was stolen.

Police are asking anyone with information to contact Troop 1 at 761.6677, Crime Stoppers at 800.TIP.3333 or www.tipsubmit.com

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