
Temple University Jeanes Nurses will vote to authorize strike Thursday

Nurses at Temple Hospital Jeanes Campus delivered a strike petition to management on Feb. 14, which more than 96% of its members signed

Temple University Hospital Jeanes Campus

Registered nurses and allied professionals at Temple University Hospital Jeanes Campus will vote to authorize a strike Thursday after negotiations with management for a new contract stalled, NBC10 confirmed.

Jeanes Nurses United, the union representing more than 375 Temple nurses, delivered a strike petition to Temple Health on Feb. 14, which more than 96% of its members signed, asking for better working conditions and a “fair contract.”

The nurses met with Temple Health several times leading up to the strike announcement, with bargaining taking place as recently as Friday, the Pennsylvania Association for Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals told NBC10. Friday’s meeting was their last chance to avoid a strike.

"It is never our intention or our goal to leave our patients and to strike," PASNAP wrote in a statement to NBC10 on Feb. 19. “We will do it if we feel it's necessary in order to get the protections our patients need and to get what we need to provide our patients with exceptional care."

Temple Hospital employees nearly went on strike in November 2022, but it was avoided after more than 2,500 hospital employees reached a new contract agreement amid multiple striking threats.

Nearly a year later, Temple nurses filed a class-action lawsuit in federal court, claiming they were discouraged from documenting overtime hours.

The Jeanes nurse’s strike comes less than a year after the Temple University Graduate Students’ Association went on a six-week long strike that drew national attention, including social media support from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Temple eventually met TUGSA’s demands, and ratified a new deal after TUGSA’s 344-8 vote on March 13.

The Temple Association of University Professionals have also threatened to strike in recent weeks, posting signs around Temple's campus stating they will fight for “equity, dignity and job security.”

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