The man dubbed the "Naked Burglar," who turned himself into authorities Tuesday, has been identified as Michael Victor, who works as a janitor for the Philadelphia School District.
Victor lives on Chester Avenue in Abington, Pa.
The 51-year old man is accused of breaking into at least two homes in Abington Township Friday afternoon -- removing the occupant's clothes and stealing a laptop, according to authorities.
Surveillance video from inside an apartment building where one of the burglaries occurred captured the man running up and down a hallway in the buff. In other shots, he can be seen wearing what appears to be a woman's blouse and skirt.
"He took my laptop, just trashed everything in the room...when he heard the police were coming, he snuck back out without clothes on -- by the way," Joyce Ru said Monday. Her roommate came face-to-face with the man before fleeing to another apartment. He then fled from the building and broke into a home across the street -- scrawling messages in marker and lipstick on mirrors and walls of a teenager's room, police said. The homes are just down the block from where he rests his head.
"He's upset and he's embarrassed," the man's attorney Michael Dunn told reporters. "It's obvious that he has some severe issues to deal with and he's in the process of dealing with those now." The man will be entering a "facility" to deal with his issues upon release, the attorney said.
While the idea of a naked man sprinting down hallways buck naked is funny, police weren't laughing. The sexual aspects of the crime seriously concerned investigators. The man is currently being interviewed by police, but charges are being prepared, authorities said.
The more disturbing issue may lie with the man's job. He is employed by the School District of Philadelphia as an elementary school building engineer, the district confirmed Tuesday night. Keys the suspect left at the scene appeared to belong to a janitor, which was a point of interest for investigators, police said.