Camden County

Emergency Road Work Slows Traffic Along Busy Route 70 in Cherry Hill

PSEG&G crews expected to be making underground repairs along Route 70 until at least Friday.

Update: Crews finished work early on Route 70 and had it back to normal for the Friday morning rush.

Emergency construction is slowing down the commute for drivers along a busy Camden County road.

Traffic is bottlenecking along Route 70 eastbound in Cherry Hill between South Cornell and Sayer avenues. You should expect to see some pretty significant delays during both the morning and evening commutes.

PSE&G crews are in the process of making underground repairs on the eastbound lanes of Route 70. The work itself is happening right across the street from the Garden State Pavilions shopping center.

The Cherry Hill police warned that at least one lane will be closed 24 hours a day until at least Friday with second lane periodically being closed as well. At least one lane will remain open through the construction.

The work just so happens during National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week. The latest data shows a work zone crash happens once every 5.4 minutes.

So, Cherry Hill police are asking that if you are driving through the area to use caution, drop your speed and allow the road crews room to work.

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