
Philly Police Officer Donates iPads to Students With Autism

Philadelphia Police are saluting an officer who is helping local students in need.

Officer Sammy Sanchez raised over $8,000 to donate iPads to six Philadelphia schools that work with kids with autism. The Police Department highlighted Sanchez’s efforts in a Facebook post Tuesday.

“Sammy raised this money while also raising his son who faces some of the challenges of autism,” a spokesperson wrote. “Having seen what a great help a program called "Proloquo2Go" (available only for for iOS) has been for his son, Sammy made it his personal mission to get as many iPads into Philadelphia schools as he could.”

Sanchez used the money to buy 36 iPads. He was also able to load the iPads with Proloquo2Go software, which costs $200.

You can learn more about Proloquo2Go here.

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