A man has been seen multiple times running around naked or naked from the waist down in Newark, Del.
Police want to find the naked man before the lewd behavior, that at times has included the man touching himself, escalates to worse crimes.
“Now we laugh about it but it was nerve wracking, yeah really weird,” Liz Bishop told NBC Philadelphia about seeing the naked mystery man walking around their neighborhood last week.
But police are not laughing. Authorities say that this isn’t the first time the naked man has been spotted.
Since October there have been several reports of the naked man roaming Newark. In some instances he is completely naked, in others he was sans pants, wearing a plaid shirt. One time he was only wearing a black-hooded sweatshirt on top. He’s also been seen fondling himself. In one report to police, the man followed someone while masturbating.
And the sightings have become more frequent. The streaker was seen three times last week, including Thursday night. Police fear that this behavior is a sign of more dangerous acts to come.
“I've been trying to be careful,” Amanda Hall, a student at the nearby University of Delaware. “I'm not sure of he's trying to be funny or if he's dangerous.”
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Anyone with additional information about this incident should contact the Newark Police Department at 302-366-7111.