Do you hate doing your taxes? Over the years the tax system has evolved, becoming more complicated for some who require outside help.
February 1 marks the first day that you may file your U.S. tax return. With tax code modifications each year, you may have questions related to filling out your tax return. Certified public accountant Steve Rossman, a shareholder at Drucker & Scaccetti, will be answering your tax questions Friday morning from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. on the NBC10 Facebook page.
You may post your tax questions in the comments section and Rossman will respond. Your questions and the answers may appear on-air in the newscast.
If you are dreading doing your taxes this season, don’t blame the Internal Revenue Service for making it so hard. After all, it’s the nation’s elected officials who have passed all those tax laws over the years — for better or for worse. More on NBC News here.