Family of a woman allegedly killed, and women who say they were maimed, left infertile or close to death, may have a chance in civil court at a piece of the abortion doctor allegedly responsible.
Common Pleas Court Judge Paul P. Panepinto has frozen the assets of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, with the purpose of allowing victims to sue, reports the Inquirer.
Panepinto ordered Gosnell’s lawyers to file a list of everything he owns, which would include a $900,000 Jersey shore home, reports the Inquirer.
The edict came down Friday after a lawyer for the daughter of the 41-year-old woman Gosnell allegedly killed requested Gosnell’s assets be frozen.
Gosnell is being held in prison without bail on charges of the murder of seven babies and Karnamaya Mongar.
The 70-year-old abortion doctor ran the Women’s Medical Society in West Philly for decades, allegedly inducing labor in women with late-term pregnancies and snapping the necks of babies born alive with scissors.
The 260-page grand jury report included a gory depiction of unsanitary conditions, blood-soaked procedure rooms, and botched abortions that left two women dead and countless injured and infertile.
Prosecutors also say that the untrained workers, eight of whom have also been arrested on various charges, also performed illegal abortions, provided anesthesia and other medical services.
Only weeks ago, Gosnell and his wife asked for court-appointed lawyers, claiming they were broke. After he was denied a public defender, Gosnell then hired one of the most prominent lawyers in Philadelphia – Jack McMahon.
The grand jury report estimated that Gosnell made $1.8 million a year off of desperate and poor women.