Feral Cats Face Neutering

A cat advocacy group says its "trap, neuter, release" program is the best way to control a feral cat problem at a senior citizen apartment complex in New Jersey.

A cat advocacy group is trapping feral cats at Aloe Village in Galloway Township.

Residents complained to NBC10 about 50 to 100 cats running loose and creating an odor problem in their community.

Raymond Lane, of Animal Capture & Control Services, went to the complex on Wednesday and removed six newborn kittens from the area.

The kittens were taken to the Atlantic County Animal Shelter and were euthanized. The supervising veterinarian at the shelter, Andrea Ceremele, says the kittens were humanely euthanized.

"Any kitten under the age of 3 to 4 weeks is in danger of starvation if they do not have the means to feed every 2 to 3 hours. Unfortunately the shelter is inundated with young kittens. In the shelter setting we do our best to find alternatives to euthanasia. The amount of kittens we see typically outweighs our resources and so we are left with the only humane solution to prevent starvation," Ceremele said in a written statement to NBC10.

"Alley Cat Allies" now has representatives in Galloway Township trapping the feral cats. The group plans to neuter the cats and then return them to the area. Spokesperson Amanda Casazza says they've captured eight cats so far. Casazza told NBC10 that feral cats shouldn't be taken to shelters because often times they can't be adopted.

"Alley Cat Allies" believes their trap-neuter-return program is the most effective way to control the growing cat population.

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