The death of a man, whose burning body was found in a Delaware County park, was ruled a suicide by police Wednesday.
Dalyn Bristol, 33, of Media, Pa., died Monday after he set his body on fire in a small Upper Providence park, police say.
Bristol’s blazing body was discovered by workers who were looking for downed trees in Hautman Park at about 1:30 p.m. The workers thought initially that the flames were coming from a brush fire in the middle of the park, but upon closer inspection found it was a body.
In one of his last Facebook statuses on April 14 Bristol wrote, "i just want to know i love all of you and if i get frustrated it isn't a reason to give up."
According to his Facebook page, on January 7, he went from being "engaged" to "it's complicated."
Bristol’s wallet was found about 30 yards from his body.