High school blogger Brady McHale brings the inside story from Lower Merion High School.
That’s the reaction I got when showing the picture of fifteen-year-old Blake Robbins’ asleep in his bed. The picture, apparently taken by the laptop camera on the student's school-distributed computer. Most students learned of the latest details while logging onto Twitter during lunch, the picture soon became the talk of every lunch table in the cafeteria.
There are a lot of my peers at school though who are wondering who to believe and most importantly, who to trust.
Freshman and new to the district, Bruno Talvacchia said, “It’s outrageous that a few weeks ago LMSD said that no pictures were taken and they only used it 42 times but now there’s thousands of pictures --- something doesn’t add up.” I asked him what he would do if there were pictures of him, his response -- “I’d break the computer.”
A lot of kids do still have faith and trust in the school.
For example, Max Golden, a senior, said, “Our school wouldn’t make that big of a mistake. I still will use and trust my computer.”
Looks like only time will tell…the truth.