Should Calling 911 Too Often Be Illegal?

ACLU asks judge to toss laws limiting 911 calls

Many communities have passed laws that threaten renters with eviction if they make too many 911 emergency calls.

But domestic violence advocates will argue in federal court Thursday that the laws endanger women and violate their free-speech rights.

The laws, like one on the books in suburban Norristown, are designed to limit nuisance calls to 911.

But lawyers for Lakisha Briggs say they made her reluctant to call for help when her ex-boyfriend attacked her.

Norristown officials say they gave Briggs the chance to get a restraining order, and have since revised the law.

But lawyers with the Women's Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union say the statute remains flawed.

U.S. District Judge Eduardo Robreno is hearing the case in Philadelphia.

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