South Philadelphia

A goat was loose in South Philly on Sunday! Call him Saquon Baaahh-rkley?

A goat trotted through South Philadelphia on Sunday night -- and, no, we don't mean the Eagles' star running back Saquon Barkley. Instead, an actual goat was spotted at 2nd and Tasker streets

NBC Universal, Inc.

The goat was loose in South Philadelphia on Sunday night, and no, we aren't referring to Eagles' running back Saquon Barkley and his dominating performance in the NFC Championship game over the Washington Commanders.

Instead, we mean an actual goat.

For the uninitiated, goat can be a acronym for "greatest of all time," and while Barkley certainly looked like a "goat" in this sense on Sunday night, in this case, we are referring to an actual goat -- square pupils, hoofs and all.

So, maybe not Barkley, but call the animal: Saquon Baaaahh-rkley?

As spotted by NBC10 viewer Jessica Lee, a small goat could be seen roaming the area of 2nd and Tasker streets at about 7 p.m. on Sunday.

She shared video of the incident and said she contacted police and animal control immediately after encountering the animal.

Léelo en español aquí.

Contacted early Monday, police officials did not immediately provide information on this incident.

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