Del Toro Producing, Chastain Starring in Adaptation of Horror Short β€œMama”

If it's Wednesday, Guillermo Del Toro must have a new film in the works. And wouldn't you know it, it's starring the hottest actress most people have never heard of.

Del Toro is producing a feature-length adaptation of Andres Muschiett's 2-minute and 56-second short film 'Mama," reported TwitchFilm. Jessica Chastain, best known for her beautiful turn in Terrence Malick's "Tree of Life," is attached to star in the title role.

Watching the film--you did watch it, right?--it's easy to see why Del Toro was attracted to it, as the man loves children in peril. And according to Twitch, the story has been tweaked in ways that clearly bear Del Toro's fingerprints:

β€œChastain’s Mama character will be a sort of adoptive mother rather than a literal one, taking care of two little girls abandoned in the woods. Too bad for them she’s planning on using them in a bid to bring back her own, already dead, children.”

We loved Chastain in "Tree of Life," and we've been impressed with the variety of projects she's got lined up, with "Mama" suggesting she's looking to stretch herself even further.

Del Toro will be at Comic-Con this week, so don;t be surprised for another flood of announcements.

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