Montco Confirms One of Pa's 1st West Nile Cases of 2013

Pennsylvania has confirmed this year's first human cases of the West Nile Virus and one of them is in Montgomery County, according to the Pa. Department of Health.

The Montgomery County man was hospitalized and is being treated for the disease.

A second man in York County also tested positive for West Nile, although he wasn't hospitalized.

Now, the health department is urging residents to minimize their mosquito exposure.

"Our first positive human case of West Nile Virus serves as a reminder of the importance of prevention and education,” Secretary of Health Michael Wolf said. “There are a few simple steps we can all take to help prevent the spread of this virus among our families and in our communities."

The most important of the steps is making sure to remove all stagnant water from around the home. Bird baths, kiddie pools, or any object that could collect water are all potentional mosquito magnets.

The DEP also recommends staying indoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitos are most active or using insect repellants containing DEET.

For more information on West Nile, click here.


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