‘Wild Thing' Mitch Williams Gets His #justice for Little League Tantrum Firing

Phillies closers can't seem to do much right these days, but at least one former closer is winning.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that a Camden County judge ruled Tuesday that former Phillie Mitch Williams would be awarded $1.5 million from a lawsuit he filed against MLB Network after they fired him in 2014. The man known to baseball fans as 'Wild Thing' was let go after Deadspin reported rumblings of Williams cursing and shouting lewd names at two of his son's little 'eague games three years ago.

After the ruling came down Tuesday, Wild Thing took to Twitter, proclaiming his #justice.

His lawyer, Laura Carlin Mattiacci, also issued the following statement:

"This verdict completely vindicates Mitch Williams, who was viciously defamed by anonymous sources on the Internet and then had MLB Network breach its contract with him. The jury's decision was based in large part on believing Williams' version. The jury was charged with viewing all of the evidence and determining whether he committed acts that violated the morals clause."

Would it really surprise any of us if Williams did all of these things? Not a bit. 

Remember, he cursed out one of his own former teammates just a few years back.

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