New Jersey

Swastikas Painted at Entrance to Quaker Graveyard in NJ

In a written statement, Dave Austin, the group’s clerk, emphasized the importance of standing up against hate, especially during a time of increased antisemitic incidents

A gate opens to a graveyard, where a small pine tree is planted. On the right next to the gate is a tree with pink spray paint on it.
NJ Pen

Police in Haddonfield, New Jersey, were investigating after two swastikas were spray painted on trees at the entrance of a Quaker graveyard.

The graveyard faces the meetinghouse to the Haddonfield Friends Meeting, Religious Society of Friends, Linda Lotz, the group’s spokeswoman said in an email.

The Haddonfield Police Department told NBC10 it is investigating the painting of the swastikas, which Lotz said likely happened sometime between Monday and Friday of this week.

Quakers are a Christian group. In a written statement, Dave Austin, the group’s clerk, emphasized the importance of standing up against hate, especially during a time of increased antisemitic incidents.

“No matter what the possible motivation for this sad incident might have been, we must as a community come together to stand against it,” he said. “Intolerance festers and metastasizes in silence: it depends and feeds upon apathy and indifference.  Each of us can play a part in preventing that from happening."

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