
‘Hey, Snow!' Wilmington Principal Creates Spoof Video for Snow Day

Thomas Glennon, principal of Linden Hill Elementary School in Wilmington, announced a snow day Tuesday by filming a selfie and singing a song.

Rewriting “Ho Hey” by The Lumineers to notify students and parents that school was closed, he sang through the entire song replacing “Ho Hey” with “Snow Day.”

The YouTube video opens at 5 a.m. with Glennon surrounded by Curious George and other stuffed animals inside his home.

Glennon sang, “I belong at school. You belong at school. But not today. I belong at school. You belong at school. It’s a snow day.”

Most of the comments claim that Glennon is "the funniest principal ever." That sense of humor comes out for sure at the end as Glennon makes a snow angel outside his home.

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