Nutter on White House Job Rumors: I'm Not Going Anywhere

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter says he is "absolutely 100 percent certain'' he will finish his second term and not leave for a White House job.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter says he is "absolutely 100 percent certain'' he will finish his second term and not leave for a White House job.
Nutter made the remarks in response to a question at a news conference Wednesday on today's Nor'easter. A supporter of President Barack Obama, he says he wanted to end any speculation he would leave for a job in Obama's cabinet during the president's second term. Nutter was re-elected last year.
Nutter is president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and has been increasing his national profile in recent years. He says he has ``no expectation'' he'll be offered a job at the White House and that he has made it clear to the president that he intends to finish his mayoral term.
He says he's β€œnot going anywhere.”

Despite his assurance that he won't be leaving for the White House any time soon, Nutter was still visibly excited about Obama's victory.

"I've been in politics for 30 years now," said Nutter. "With the exception of a few elections of my own, this was one of the happiest and proudest moments of my entire political career. It was a hard fought election. I'm very, very proud of the president. And I'm especially proud of Philadelphia."

Nutter also told Philadelphians to be prepared for today's storm.

"It's unlikely that this will be a major storm," said Nutter. "But nonetheless, we are certainly concerned about the possibility of damaged trees and power lines going down." 

The amount of rain or snow isn't expected to cause flash flooding in the city. Salt trucks and plows are ready to go out into the streets if necessary.

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