Letter Demands Christie Retract ‘Bat' Comment

Lawmakers angry about Christie's comment that the media “take the bat out” on a 76-year-old state senator who criticized him

Two Democratic lawmakers sent letters Friday to all 120 New Jersey legislators, urging them to condemn Gov. Chris Christie's suggestion that the media “take the bat out” on a 76-year-old state senator who criticized him.

Bergen County Assemblywomen Valerie Vainieri Huttle and Connie Wagner are demanding a retraction and an apology to Sen. Loretta Weinberg, saying Christie's comment advocates violence against women and sets a poor example.

“The governor's offensive and disturbing language has no place in decent society,” said Vainieri Huttle. “The Legislature needs to speak as one in denouncing the governor's comments as unacceptable, not only toward women but to every New Jerseyan of good will who understands threatening language is wrong.”

Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, both Democrats, also said Christie's remark crossed a line.

Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak said anyone who was in the room at the time knew Christie's comment was directed at the media's soft treatment of the issue of pension double-dipping.

“Ratcheting it up beyond that is partisan politics and an attempt to divert attention from Sen. Weinberg's hypocrisy,” Drewniak said.

The insult swapping began when Weinberg criticized the governor for being too soft on Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo Jr., who is collecting a pension and a salary for the same six-figure job.

Weinberg later acknowledged that she is receiving a pension and salary and said she was forced to tap into her pension after being victimized by Bernard Madoff's investment scam.

Christie accused the assemblywoman of “hiding behind Bernie Madoff” and being a hypocrite.

“I mean, can you guys please take the bat out on her for once?” Christie said during a Statehouse news conference Wednesday. “Here's a woman who knows she did it, yet she comes to you and is pining... ‘Oh! My goodness! How awful this is! What a double standard!’ But she's the queen of double standard.”

Weinberg ran for lieutenant governor on Gov. Jon Corzine's ticket in 2009. They lost to Christie and Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno.

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