
Grace Packer's Mom, Sara Packer, Could Face Death Penalty in Teen's Murder-Rape

Sara Packer pleads not guilty as proseuctor mull death penalty

Prosecutors say they haven't decided whether to seek the death penalty for a Pennsylvania woman charged along with her boyfriend in the rape, death and dismemberment of her adopted daughter.

Forty-two-year-old Sara Packer has pleaded not guilty Friday to homicide, rape, kidnapping and other charges in 14-year-old Grace Packer's death last year. She wore an orange jumpsuit, slip-on sneakers and was handcuffed as she appeared in front of the judge.

Bucks County prosecutors say aggravated circumstances exist to seek the death penalty because Grace was kidnapped and tortured before she was killed.

Defense lawyer Keith Williams say there's no evidence Sara Packer raped or killed the girl.

Prosecutors say Packer watched 44-year-old boyfriend Jacob Sullivan act out a rape-murder fantasy they shared. He faces his formal arraignment March 21.

Sara Packer is also charged with illegally collecting more than $4,000 in government benefits after Grace's death.

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