
Catholics Urged to Consider Post-Storm Safety When Deciding Whether to Attend Sunday Mass

Both the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Archdiocese of Camden are warning followers about the upcoming snowstorm, and what the impact might mean for Sunday Mass.


"In the face of the impending storm, Catholics β€” of all ages but especially the elderly β€” are advised to use extreme caution when making the decision about attending Mass,” The Archdiocese of Philadelphia said in a statement. β€œAn individual is free to make a prudent decision to remain at home and not venture outside this Sunday, especially for their safety and the safety of others.”

The Archdiocese of Camden also asked churchgoers to make decisions based on what's best for the safety of families.

β€œIf a Catholic believes that venturing outside to go to Mass is unsafe for themselves or their family, they are free to make the carefully considered decision to stay home,” The Archdiocese of Camden said in a statement.

Both institutions say they are committed to keeping churches open for Mass to serve those who are able to attend.

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