Scott Wagner
Office Sought: Governor of Pennsylvania
Political Party: Republican
Age: 62
Career: Sanitation company founder and owner
Campaign Website:
No. of Tweets: 945
No. of Facebook followers: 171,764
Biography: Wagner won a state senate seat four years ago as an independent, and has campaigned as a Trump-like political outsider. One of his campaign promises is "to change the culture of corruption and cronyism in Harrisburg"; his plan, he says, is to "get government off the backs of business owners so they can innovate, expand and produce the economic growth that has eluded us for far too long."
On the Issues: Wagner has no listed rundown of political issues on his site. Instead, he lists his plan to empower Pennsylvania's economy: “reducing Pennsylvania’s current crushing regulatory system; creating a better business climate to expand our economy; ending state and local bureaucratic interference stymying growth; harnessing economic opportunities to advance job creation; meeting employer need by developing a highly skilled workforce; and guaranteeing maximum growth by investing in Pennsylvania’s infrastructure."
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