Neo-Realist Wednesdays: Soon, summer will be here and it will be all out the blockbusters, but tonight, it's Italian, black and white, and subtitles with the 1948 neo-realist classic The Bicycle Thieves at the Ambler Theater. Follow the story of a man and his ten-year-old son desperately seeking his lost bicycle amongst post World War II Rome, witnessing both the depths and pinnacles of humanity along the way. $9.75 7:30 p.m.
One Book, One Philly: The "One Book" program, wherein The Free LIbrary gives out free copies of the same book to participating individuals, creating a city-wide book club, ends tonight. Author Sherman Alexie will be on hand to read from his books War Dances and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and the students from The Curtis Institute of Music will be on hand to perform their piece inspired by the books. 6:45 p.m.
King of Comedy: Art collective Little Berlin is hosting a party tonight at KFN in honor of Jerry Lewis' birthday. It will be an evening of music, provided by Mammals of Paradise, Ladies Auxillary, Pile of Girls and more, with performaces by Puppettyranny and host Isaac Ramos. All profits go towards paying the bills and keeping the doors open at Little Berlin. $10 7 p.m.
Going out can be a gamble, so why leave it up to chance? Stack the deck every day by peeping Play's Dance Card.