Eric Tucker

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  • impeachment Jan 28, 2020

    Fact Check: Trump Wrong on Bolton, More Claims From Trial

    President Donald Trump stated falsely Monday that House Democrats never called his former national security adviser to testify in their impeachment inquiry. Actually they did.

  • impeachment Jan 25, 2020

    Trump Lawyer Argues Dems Want to ‘Overturn' Last Election

    President Donald Trump’s lawyers have opened their impeachment trial defense in a rare Saturday session by accusing Democrats of striving to overturn the results of the 2016 election. They say the Democrats’ investigation into Trump’s dealings with Ukraine was not a fact-finding mission but rather a politically motivated effort to drive him from the White House. The legal team arguments...

  • impeachment Jan 21, 2020

    Trump Impeachment Trial to Begin With Rules Fight, Long Days

    President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is set to unfold at the Capitol, a contentious proceeding to render judgment on his Ukraine actions as Americans form their own verdict at the start of an election year.

  • impeachment Jan 19, 2020

    House Outlines Impeachment Case, Trump Team Has Fiery Answer

    House Democrats are preparing to outline their case for removing President Donald Trump from office with the filing of a legal brief due by 5 p.m. Saturday. The submission follows new revelations in the case and Trump’s naming of nationally known lawyers Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz to the team that will defend him.

  • shooting Jan 13, 2020

    US Sends Home Nearly Two Dozen Saudi Cadets After Fla. Shooting

    The United States is preparing to remove more than a dozen Saudi military students from a training program and return them to their home country after an investigation into a deadly shooting by a Saudi aviation student at a Florida navy base last month, a U.S. official told The Associated Press.

  • impeachment Jan 4, 2020

    An Eye on Impeachment, Judges Weigh House-Trump Disputes

    Federal appellate judges are wrestling with whether courts should be refereeing a dispute between the House of Representatives and the Trump administration over the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn. A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit heard arguments Friday over the House Judiciary Committee’s effort to compel McGahn’s testimony. Democrats...

  • impeachment Dec 31, 2019

    Judge Dismisses Impeachment Suit From Ex-White House Aide

    A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit from a former White House official who had challenged a congressional subpoena in the impeachment inquiry involving President Donald Trump.

  • Robert Mueller Dec 17, 2019

    Ex-Trump Campaign Official Rick Gates Gets 45 Days in Jail

    A judge on Tuesday sentenced former Trump campaign official Rick Gates to 45 days in jail despite what she said was “extraordinary” cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe and other Justice Department investigations.

  • Donald Trump Dec 8, 2019

    Watchdog Expected to Find Russia Probe Valid, Despite Flaws

    The Justice Department’s internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report Monday that is expected to reject President Donald Trump’s claims that the Russia investigation was illegitimate and tainted by political bias from FBI leaders. But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters. The report, as described by people familiar with...

  • Donald Trump Feb 28, 2019

    Cohen Finishes Week of Testimony After Calling Trump Liar

    President Donald Trump’s former lawyer has completed three days of testimony on Capitol Hill — and is coming back for another day next week — after publicly branding his former boss a racist and a con man who lied about business dealings in Russia and directed him to conceal extramarital relationships. Cohen was interviewed behind closed doors Thursday by the...

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