Obama administration officials will meet with the National Rifle Administration as part of an effort led by Vice President Joe Biden tasked with proposing policy changes and new laws aimed at cracking down on gun violence in the wake of the Newtown tragedy. “We got an invite late Friday,” NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said in a short statement to NBC News. “We are sending a representative to hear what they have to say.” The NRA has so far opposed new gun control efforts and proposed that the government pay for putting an armed guard in every school in America. White House spokesman Jay Carney downplayed the NRA’s participation in a meeting by saying the gun lobby was just “one of the many groups invited.” White House officials will also meet with reps from the video game and entertainment industries, victims groups and gun-safety organizations, NBC News reported. Ideas under consideration consider stricter gun laws, bans of high capacity ammo, wider background checks and mental-health screenings. Biden’s group could unveil its measures as soon as next week.