Tyler Clementi's Parents React to Dharun Ravi's Conviction

Clementi's parents and the other man in the webcam video showed support for jury's decision

On March 16,  former Rutgers University Student, Dharun Ravi was convicted of hate crimes and invasion of privacy in the webcam spying case that ended in the suicide of his gay roommate, Tyler Clementi. 

Today, for the first time Clementi’s parents and the other man seen in the webcam video are reacting publically. 

The parents and the other man both showed support for the jury’s decision. 

"They reached their decision based on the facts shown by the evidence,'' Tyler Clementi's father, Joseph, said in a written statement. "At the conclusion of the trial, the defense's explanation of what happened was simply not believable.''

The other man, identified only by his initials M.B., expressed that Ravi deserves prison time. 

Ravi’s sentencing is May 21. He could face up to 10 years in prison. 

Ravi maintains that he does not believe his actions with the webcam caused Clementi’s 2010 suicide. 

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