Newark Mayor Raises Nearly $2M for Senate Bid

Mayor Cory Booker has not made a formal announcement about his candidate status

Newark Mayor Cory Booker has raised nearly $2 million for a Senate run, even though he hasn't formally declared himself a candidate.

A campaign statement released Monday says more than 2,300 people have donated to the campaign, and about two-thirds were contributions of $200 or less.

Overall, Booker has about $1.9 million in his campaign coffers.

Booker plans to wait until after the November gubernatorial election to formally announce whether he will run for senate. He filed paperwork in January that allows him to raise money for a campaign.

The 2016 opening comes after Sen. Frank Lautenberg announced in February that he won't seek re-election.

Booker has bolstered his national profile by speaking across the country and interacting with 1.3 million Twitter followers. The Democrat has been mayor since 2006.

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