Man Stabs Ex, Another Man, Then Hangs Self

Police say the man was found dead two hours after he allegedly stabbed his ex and another man.

Police say a central Pennsylvania man has hanged himself after stabbing his ex-girlfriend and another man, who both survived that attack.

Police are not identifying the stabbing victims, but say the man who attacked them early Thursday at a private residence in Cresson Township was 23-year-old Thomas Gvozd of nearby Logan Township.

Logan police Chief Ron Heller says a family member found Gvozd dead about 2:30 a.m. Thursday, roughly two hours after the stabbings.

Police tell the Altoona Mirror the stabbing victims, both in their early 20s, have been treated and
released from Altoona Regional Trauma Center. Police say the man suffered a head wound and the woman was stabbed in her cheek but was able to run to a nearby convenience store for help.

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