Parents Camp Out in Cold for School Registration

While many people spent this morning bundled up under the covers indoors, several hopeful parents spent theirs outside in the bitter cold. The parents camped out in their cars in front of the School Lane Charter School on the 2400 block of Bristol Pike in Bensalem.

While registration for the 2014-2015 school year began at 9 a.m., the parents arrived at the school hours earlier in order to ensure a spot for their children.

“We are cold and I’m trying not to use too much gas and I’m trying not to use too much battery,” said Jennifer Enoch, who arrived outside the school at 3 a.m. “Occasionally we turn the car on and then we’ll just turn it off and bundle up here.”

Despite dealing with temperatures ranging from the teens to low 20’s, Enoch didn't regret her decision.

“It’s worth it,” she said.

School Lane first opened in 1998, becoming the first charter school in Bucks County and the first suburban K-8 charter school in Pennsylvania. School Lane also opened a high school in August of 2012.


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