Teen Masters the Art of Grocery-Bagging

Kayla Wilson is the best grocery-bagger in Pennsylvania.

The 17-year-old employee of the Giant Supermarket in Allentown won a regional grocery-bagging contest. She is now preparing for the national bagging championship next February in Las Vegas.

Kayla says that she began practicing her bagging techniques at a young age.

“When we would come to the store my mom would yell about us bagging so slow,” said Kayla. “So I think that’s one of my motivations in bagging fast.”

For those who prefer to bag their own groceries at the supermarket, Kayla has a helpful tip.

“The key is to build up walls,” said Kayla. “To take the boxed items and build up walls and then fill it in.”

Of course, when you have someone like Kayla bagging your groceries, you might want to sit back and let the expert handle it.

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