When choosing a room's paint colors, Interior Designers follow the 60-30-10 Rule.
The 60-30-10 Rule says that color usage in a space should be based on percentages:
- 60% of the room should be a dominant color
- 30% of the room should be a secondary color
- 10% of the room should be an accent color
It's a design method used by the world's top designers and featured in countless design magazines. But, you don't have to spend money on a professional to get your color combinations right.
Courtesy of HGTV, the Choose Color tool shows 39 off-the-shelf palettes and uses them to apply the 60-30-10 Rule to actual rooms in a house. The interactive tool also features in-line design tips to make the most of your space and budget.
Visit HGTV to color your rooms and learn more about good design.