Phanatic No. 1: Forbes, Smart People


The sky is blue. 2 + 2 = 4. The Pope is Catholic. Bears go to the bathroom in the woods.

And the Phillie Phanatic is the best mascot in sports. (Normally this is where I’d include “according to Forbes Magazine,” but this fact seems like a given.)

But you know this about the Phanatic, don’t you? Whether it’s speeding around on its ATV, inappropriately harassing fans and umps, or pegging its mom with a fastball, our green goof is the perfect accompaniment to a day at the ballpark, watching the Phils dominate the poor group of guys who should have stayed home.

As Forbes explains, “This year's survey, conducted by The Marketing Arm's Davie Brown Index, measured pro sports mascots on four key attributes: awareness, appeal, entertainment value and team identification (the degree to which consumers are able to associate a mascot with the team it represents).”

If you ask me, though, the Phanatic is beyond any quantifiable data. It is, quite simply, phantastic.

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