Smile, You're on Camera

Soon, most of Lancaster's 55,000 residents will be under surveillance.

That's right, by July's end 165 cameras will be installed all over the city to keep an eye on residents and visitors, according to the Inquirer.

The number of cameras will make Lancaster the most highly surveilled city per capita in Pennsylvania and possibly the U.S., reported the paper.

"I like it. I want them all over the city," said Lancaster City resident Vilma Caraballo.

Others, like 19-year-old Amanda Bachman, disagree.

""What's next? You can't get away with anything anymore. You can't even smoke a cigarette in front of a building."

The cameras are hidden in what look like streetlights and are monitored by the Lancaster Community Safety Coalition who contact police at the first sign of trouble.

Love it or hate it, the citywide surveillance program is effective. You can make out faces and license plates from more than a block away and since their installation, the footage has helped cops arrest wanted criminals and other people caught breaking the law, according to the Inky.

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