Is the Date 11/12/13 Significant?

Does the date November 12, 2013 mean anything? Some people think so.
A live wedding on the "Today" show and social media users noting today's date (see below) have contribued to buzz around the consecutive numbers 11/12/13.
But is it warranted?
Not so, according to a local mathmetician.
The date is "pure numerical coincidence," according to Dr. Gabor Toth of the Rutgers-Camden University Math Department.
A date with consecutive numbers happens 12 times every century. There are 36,525 days in a century (including leap years). It is a rare occurence for a date to include three consecutive numbers and such a date will only happen from years 2003 to 2014 this century. Then, not again until the next century when a calendar date consecutive numbers will occur from 2103 to 2114.
"A lot of people are interested and attached to its significance," said Toth.
"But it's not connected to any physical or celestrial phenomena. It's interesting to note, but mathmeticians don't read any more into it."
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