Campus Blog: Giving Thanks for Family

PHI eudora with family member
Eudora Linde

Class, work, meetings, bed. Repeat.

My name is Eudora Linde and I am a college senior. I’m trying to pack as much as I can into my senior year before entering the “real world” while still maintaining my grades, being a positive leader with club involvement, holding a job as a waitress and keeping some sort of social life in my final weeks at Shippensburg University.

Every family always seems to have that one crazy relative or two who makes things very interesting for other family members, especially around the holidays. I, however, enjoy my outspoken and eclectic family members who make my Thanksgivings very worthwhile.

Growing up around West Chester, the main family members that I interacted with (outside of my immediate family) included my mother’s side of the family: my maternal grandparents, aunt and uncle, and two female cousins who were both older than me. That was it. Every summer, however, we made the eight to nine hour car ride to Buffalo, New York, to visit my dad’s family for a long weekend.

As a young child, that ride was torture. We had a minivan at the time, which my dad always used to line with my “Little Mermaid” bed sheets, paper dolls, Barbies and coloring books. My little brother and I would be hauled out of bed at 5:30 a.m. to begin the never-ending drive.

As an adult, I can’t sit still, and as a child, I certainly couldn’t and pulling up to that hotel couldn’t come soon enough. My cousins, however, certainly make it worth the effort.

Every time we get up there, the reaction is the same: constant hugs, literal smorgasbords of food (which, as a college student, I’m grateful for) and conversation that has me laughing so hard that I’m in danger of crying. A few years ago, we decided to travel up to Buffalo for Thanksgiving and the holiday has not been the same since. I'm grateful for the New York family that I have. They might be a bit eccentric at times, but who isn’t?  

I’m not at all eager to graduate from college – in fact, I’m digging my heels in as much as I can to savor my last semester of most of what I love. But at the same time, I can’t wait for my graduation party in June, when I know they’ll make their own journey down to West Chester, and I can steal a little more time away with them all.

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